Fremantle Heave Ho Hash House Harriers and Harriettes
How to set a run
Location, Location, Location…
• Use Google maps to plan your run. Right-click in the map and measure the distance of your run. Aim for about 6-7kms for the runners trail and around 4-5 for the walkers trail.
• Advise run details to Hare Razer at least 3 weeks prior to run date
• Provide as much detail as possible including street number, park name, cross streets etc.
• Ensure the venue has the following:
o Ample parking
o Lighting
o Shelter
o Toilets
• Contact the Property Manager if plates, knives, forks, lighting, shelter, etc are needed – you should arrange to pick property up or ask if the Property Manager can bring it along. All property MUST be returned to the Property Manager before the next run. Club property is NOT for personal or other clubs use.
• A theme run can be a great way to make your run stand out as something special. Notify the Hare Razer and On Sex 3 weeks ahead of time.
• The run/walk should be between 45 minutes and 1 hour
• Use plenty of checks and false trails to keep the pack together and bring the runners and walkers together when needed
• Never cross the trail (unless of course you are clever and do a figure 8)
• If you need help planning your route ask the Hare Razer to connect you with an experienced Hasher
• Consider having a drink stop (see below for more details)
• 6 with an arrow of the top: on trail (every 20 to 30 meters)
• FT: False Trail, go back to the last corner/turn. No FT from Checks
• Check: with or without arrow to point which directions to check
• 66 with arrows means you are definitely on trail (not false trail)
• ON HOME: means you are almost there – usually placed at start of last straight stretch to home
• Create an accurate map (Map My Run, Google Maps, print a map off and mark it) – if it rains or you have to redraw markings or work as a live Hare, this will be helpful
• Use plenty of chalk, gyprock, flour, shredded paper or crepe paper tape to mark the trail.
• Do NOT use paint or plastic tape
• The Hare is responsible for setting up and conducting the drink stop (not Hash Splash)
• Once or twice a year you are throwing a party for your Hash mates. It doesn’t have to be lavish, but there should be enough for everybody
• There may be a few people with special dietary requirements (vego, gluten free) – we encourage you to try to cater for them – ask the Hare Razer for numbers and requirements. Ensure those people are served from that dish first and then any excess can be put out for all
• Plan to cater for around 25-30 people – check with the Hare Razer for average numbers prior to your run
• Ensure you enquire with Hash Cash prior to the run how many people have registered and advise the GM if additional food is required
• Hares receive up to $5 per registered person which is a contribution towards the cost of catering for the run (including snacks provided at the drink stop if you choose to do so)
• Receipts MUST be provided to Hash Cash whose discretion it is on the amount to be paid
• The run will be rated – was it nice or ICE! ……….Or do you get the toilet seat.