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About us

We are a mixed, boutique, adults only hash club which runs/walks every Wednesday. Check the HareLine and Events tab for next run information. It's $10 for run and nosh. $5 if you're a member. $3.50 for a cold beer and there are plenty of other drinks available (cider, wine, spirits, softies). Run sites are generally at someone's home or a park with facilities and shelter. Membership is available annually for $40. 


​Hash History

“Hashing” evolved in pre-war Malaysia by idle expats who felt compelled to justify their drinking habits in ways other than the occasional rugby game and is now an international activity with more than 1000 chapters worldwide.

The Hash House Harriers has been famously described as a drinking club for people with a running problem. “Hash” first came to Perth in February 1970 when the Perth Hash House Harriers was established. Since then Perth has evolved into a “Hash Megacentre” with over 20 active chapters or kennels in the greater Metro Area and an estimated 600-700 active hashers.

In 2008, Perth hosted the World “Interhash” event with nearly 5,000 participants from every continent on the planet (Earth that is).


wHare we came from

​Heave Ho Hash House Harriers and Harriettes (H6) is a hash club based in the historic port city of Fremantle, which is the original capital of Western Australia. Fremantle is located about 15km south-west of Perth, Western Australia.

H6 became a serious idea in the winter of 2003 (ie. June to August) when it occurred to Thomas 'ToyBoy' Scott-Morey that many other hash clubs around Perth set their runs in Freo, but none were actually based there. H6 had its inaugaural run on Wednesday 14th January 2004 with the help of ToyBoy, Pete 'Cumming' Scott-Morey and Andrew 'Motha Flossa' Boyd. Over 120 runners came from many WA clubs to lend their support (and pay the run fee).   

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